Houston Prostitution Attorney
Korey Huff is a Houston Prostitution Lawyer with over 13 years experience? See testimonials, reviews, and case results regarding defending Houston prostitution cases.
Prostitution in Houston
Hiring a Houston Prostitution Attorney is in your best interest if you’ve been charged with prostitution. Prostitution, Solicitation of Prostitution, and Promoting-Promotion of Prostitution have become the “in” cases for district attorneys to file. Police departments realized that these cases sensationalize prostitution in Houston. People want to know who has been arrested for Prostitution. Local news stations often place the mug shots of arrestees on their websites and on television. These arrests generate publicity, internet activity, and increase the visibility of the police agency involved in the arrests. Accordingly, every time the Harris County Sheriff’s Department makes a prostitution arrest in Houston or Fort Bend its publicized in the media. The Houston Sheriff believes Prostitution, Solicitation of Prostitution, and Promoting-Promotion of Prostitution cases are a platform that will help him get re-elected.
You Need the Best Attorney In Houston For Prostitution Charge Entrapment
Houston Prostitution Charges are typically made by undercover female police officers posing as prostitutes on the internet. A person or “John” will call the escort number and the undercover officer will set up a hotel room meeting. Often these hotel rooms have hidden cameras equipped with video and sound. The undercover officer will attempt to get you to accept an offer for sex in exchange for money. Once the undercover officer believes the deal is verbally agreed to, a code word is used and police officers hiding next door will make the arrest.
Notably, Prostitution, Solicitation of Prostitution, and Promoting-Promotion of Prostitution is an offer and acceptance of sex in exchange for money. The undercover female officer will try to make the “John” speak his sexual wishes. HPD and the Sheriff’s resources used in these cases are huge. Often, Houston citizens and jurors find that the amount of spending dedicated to prostitution in Houston is wasteful–considering the level of violent offenses that occurs in Houston every day. For example, a Halliburton executive was charged with prostitution. The full dialog was recorded. When the jury heard that there were 28 members of law enforcement involved in this operation they were disheartened. Specifically, many of the jurors were disappointed that those resources were being directed at prostitution rather than solving murders and rapes.
What is Prostitution in Texas?
If you have been accused of soliciting sex, hiring a prostitute, acting as a pimp or engaging in prostitution, you can be charged with prostitution under Tex. Penal Code § 43.02. An individual can be charged with this offense if they:
- Knowingly engage in sexual conduct for a fee,
- Offer to engage in sexual conduct for a fee,
- Agree to engage in sexual conduct for a fee, or
- Solicit another person in a public place to engage in sexual conduct for hire.
A first offense is punishable as a Class B misdemeanor, which is punishable by up to 180 days in jail and/or a fine not more than $2,000.
This offense is punishable as a Class A misdemeanor if the alleged offender has previously been convicted one or two times. A Class A misdemeanor prostitution offense is punishable by up to one year jail and/or a fine up to $4,000
A fourth or subsequent prostitution offense is punishable as a state jail felony, which can result in a jail sentence from 180 days to two years and/or a fine up to $10,000.
How is Prostitution Defined in Texas?
Engaging in sexual acts in exchange for money or favors is termed prostitution. It is illegal to engage in any activity that requires you to pay for sexual favors or charge for the same. Such acts are considered a major threat to the morals in the community. Therefore the consequences to such actions can be grave. Prostitution is taken very seriously and the police have often gone undercover to crack down on such operations and entrap individuals.
Experienced Houston Criminal Defense Lawyers Available 24/7
If you are charged with prostitution it is very important that you hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer to represent you and your case. Rules vary, but a first offense is usually filed as a misdemeanor. However, repeated charges of prostitution can lead to severe penalties and can eventually be considered a felony. You can be charged with soliciting prostitution the same way as anyone would who is carrying out prostitution themselves. Getting charged with prostitution can have long-term implications and will negatively affect your future. Considered a serious sex crime, such charges require our committed attorneys that have proven records in criminal court. Being charged with Prostitution in Houston, Fort Bend, or Texas period can affect you, your family, and your future.
If you have been charged with Prostitution, The Huff Law Firm will carefully investigate and analyze your case and will fight to protect your freedom and your legal rights.
If you, a friend, or a loved one are facing prostitution charges, contact The Huff Law Firm now at 713-562-8700 for a free consultation to determine your rights and legal options.
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What Client’s Say
Mr. Korey Huff is an outstanding and trustworthy attorney.. He was very passionate and professional. He always kept me informed about All communications he had with outside attorneys. He only accepted an agreement that he thought was reasonable and fair… If you want a strong and dedicated attorney to represent you, then I recommend Korey Huff. Thanks Korey for all your hard work and fighting for your client! Houston Texas
Very good attorney. Was there for 2 of my cases(same offense) and both worked out in my favor. Reasonable price, very professional, all around good to work with.
Korey Huff is such a great attorney. We made several resets for my case and he managed to get my case settled with the best outcome I could have ever imagined! He is also very reasonable and tells you exactly what you can expect through this process. I highly recommend Mr. Huff and if the need arise (which I hope not!), I wouldn’t hesitate to hire him again.
If it wasn’t for Korey Huff I would be in jail!! He helped me win my case!! He is a Very Outspoken Amazing Attorney! Great Attitude and Very Polite! His services are worth every penny! I Most Definitely recommend him to represent you!
I got arrested for POM. I decided to start calling around and found Korey. Korey was willing to help me out with my payments for him and talked me through me case at every court session. He has a very caring aspect to him and he is good at what he does. He had got my case dismissed after getting a bargain with the prosecutor. I would most definitely hire Korey again. I feel like he worked a…
Got a dwi my bac came back 3 times the legal limit . Came out with 1 year probation, no community service ! . Very satisfied with his work and his price !!