Did SHE or HE Get Emotional, Overreact, and call the Police only to want the charges DROPPED? If so, you need to contact Houston Assault Lawyer Korey Huff, immediately, before the prosecutor calls your accuser. Find out how the Right Approach may Get Your Assault Charges Dismissed in Houston, Fort Bend, and surrounding counties. Get an aggressive Houston assault attorney to help defend your assault case? Criminal defense attorney Korey Huff provides experienced and skilled criminal defense against all assault charges, including domestic violence, felony aggravated assault, misdemeanor assault, and sexual assault. We defend our clients against false charges and make sure their version of the story gets told. Don’t just plead guilty! Speak to an experienced Houston Assault Attorney to find out whether your assault charges can be Dismissed.
Our Houston Domestic Violence Attorney Hotline is available 24/7 Nights & Weekends to discuss your case. Call Now at 713-562-8700 and receive a Free Houston Assault Attorney Consultation. Houston Assault Lawyer Payment Plans are Available upon Request. Click to CALL & receive Free Consultation.

TOUGH Houston Domestic Violence Attorney
Assault Attorney with over 13 years of experience
Police and prosecutors in Houston TX and surrounding counties take reports of domestic violence very seriously, and so does The Huff Law Firm. However, the system is not perfect. Without legal representation, victims of domestic violence may find it difficult to take advantage of the legal protections available. Moreover, those accused of an act of domestic assault or spousal abuse may face serious immediate consequences — before any determination of guilt or innocence.
At The Huff Law Firm, Our Houston Assault Lawyer represents clients in Harris, Fort Bend, Brazoria, Galveston, Montgomery, Chambers, Waller, and liberty counties who are facing issues of domestic violence in their household. Whether legitimate or fabricated, you need an experienced Houston Domestic Violence Attorney ready to aggressively fight any allegation of child or spousal assault.
Remember, most Assault on Family Member cases start out as simple misunderstandings leading your accuser to eventually want the charges DROPPED. But once 911 is dialed, a simple misunderstanding can end with you being cuffed, arrested, and imprisoned. Too often, police tell family violence suspects their accuser wanting charges dropped don’t matter. Don’t be fooled. Your accuser wanting your charges dropped DOES matter to a skilled criminal defense lawyer experienced in defending Houston Domestic Violence cases!
Domestic Violence Lawyer (Assault-Family Member)
The state knows that if their own domestic violence witness changes their story and wants the family assault charges dropped, then prosecutors may not be able to prove the alleged Assault Beyond a Reasonable Doubt. An experienced Houston Assault Lawyer can use those facts to potentially get your assault on family member charge dismissed or acquitted in trial.
Our Houston Domestic Violence Attorney Hotline is available 24/7 Nights & Weekends to discuss your assault charge. Don’t just plead guilty! Call now at 713-562-8700 and receive a Free Houston Assault Attorney Consultation. Learn what defenses may be available to fight your Houston Domestic violence case. Also, Reasonable Houston Assault Lawyer Payment Plans are Available upon Request. Click to Call for a Free Quote.
Table of Contents
What is Assault-Family Member?
Assault-Family Member, also known as “Domestic Violence”, “Family Assault”, “Assault Bodily Injury Family Member”, “Domestic Assault”, or “Domestic Violence” is defined in Texas to mean an assault against a family member, household member, or someone in a current or past dating relationship.
To Illustrate, an individual must A.) intentionally, knowingly or recklessly cause bodily injury to another person; B.) intentionally knowingly threaten another person with imminent bodily injury; or C.) intentionally/knowingly cause physical contact with another that the offender knows or reasonably should know will find provocative or offensive.
If you have questions about an assault-family member or domestic violence charge, Click to Call an experienced Houston Assault Lawyer 24/7-Free. Learn what defenses may be available to fight your Houston Domestic violence case. Also, Reasonable Houston Assault Lawyer Payment Plans are Available upon Request.
-Free Case Reviews 24/7-
(713) 562-8700 M-S, 24/7
(available after hours/weekends)
When it comes to assault cases, an experienced and effective criminal defense attorney can mean the difference between a prison sentence and reduced or dismissed charges. At The Huff Law Firm, our criminal defense attorney Korey Huff will fight hard to accomplish the greatest possible outcome in each assault case. Don’t Just Plead Guilty! Call an experienced Houston assault attorney today for a free consultation at (713) 562-8700.

What Are Defenses to Assault of Family Member?
Common Defenses to Assault on a Family Member or Domestic Violence include an unintentional domestic violence act or mistake, apparent family assault danger, lack of assault-family member knowledge, no domestic assault offense occurred, self-defense, defense of others, and defense of property. Notably, self-defense is the most common defense used in Assault on Family Member cases. An experienced Houston Assault Lawyer can help you develop the best defense.
To Prove self-defense, an accused must show either a threat of unlawful force or assault against them. The accused also must perceive a real honest fear of assault to themselves (words alone are not enough). The accused must not start the domestic violence altercation. Lastly, there must be no reasonable chance of retreating or escaping the battering situation.
As you can see, if you’re facing charges for Assault in Houston, there are a number of domestic violence defenses available. However, assault defenses will depend on the specific facts of your case. Houston Family Assault Attorney Korey Huff will help find defensive evidence to establish facts in your favor. It’s important to start this process early, so reach out to experienced Houston Assault attorney Korey Huff today. Our Houston Domestic Violence Attorney Hotline is available 24/7 Nights & Weekends! Call Now at 713-562-8700 and learn what criminal defenses may be available to fight your Houston Domestic violence case. Also, Reasonable Houston Assault Attorney Payment Plans are Available. Click Here for a Free Quote.

EXPERIENCED Houston Domestic Violence Attorney
Felony and Misdemeanor Houston Domestic Violence (Assault on Family Member) Cases are usually prosecuted by the Family Criminal Law Division (FCLD). Family Assault Prosecutors expect the “victim” to want charges dropped against their spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, or household member soon after they make a Domestic Violence allegation. This “Family Criminal Law Division” is experienced and specializes in piecing broken assault charges back together after their own Domestic violence witnesses recant statements previously alleged to police officers. An experienced Houston Assault Lawyer knows how the law affects your case after a witness recants.
Just because a police officer questions a domestic violence witness via body camera, written statement, or audio record doesn’t mean its admissible evidence! Most assault allegations are hearsay, non-substantive, & inadmissible evidence that MUST be excluded from a jury until proven otherwise. It is important you contact an experienced Houston Assault Lawyer who is familiar with the “Family Criminal Law Division” and the laws available to Protect you and Your Rights! Call Houston Domestic Violence Lawyer Korey Huff today for a FREE case Review. Our Houston Domestic Violence Attorney Hotline is available 24/7 – 365 days a week! Don’t just plead guilty! Call free at 713-562-8700 and see if your case your case is eligible for dismissal. Also, Reasonable Houston Assault Lawyer Payment Plans are Available.

Why Do Houston Domestic Violence Prosecutors immediately call the “victim”?
Any Assault on Family Member or Domestic Violence accuser can expect to receive a call from an Assault Prosecutor immediately. Here, the “Family Criminal Law Division” will ask your Domestic Violence Accuser the following three Questions: What happened? What are your injuries? What do you want the punishment to be?
Just because your Houston Domestic Violence or Assault on Family Member Accuser wants your charges dropped, doesn’t mean the state will not pick up the assault charges. Too often, the state asks the above three questions to see if they can prosecute you without your family member testifying against you. You need an experienced Houston Domestic Violence Attorney that understands how to protect you against false, emotional, and incomplete domestic violence allegations. Don’t just Plead Guilty! Call Houston Assault Lawyer Korey Huff today and see if your case is eligible for dismissal. Our Houston Assault Lawyer Hotline is available 24/7 – 365 days a week! Call Now at 713-562-8700.

Why was I arrested for assault? Isn’t it my word against her/his word?
“It’s your word against their word” UNLESS there is some corroborating evidence. Ideally, domestic violence police officers SHOULD listen to your explanation verses your accuser’s explanation, note any corroborating evidence, and deliver an unbiased communication to the Assistant District Attorney. Based on that Information, the prosecutor will make the determination whether enough probable cause evidence is present to support a warrant for your arrest. However, the first to call the police in an assault case rarely goes to jail.
Don’t just Plead Guilty! Call Houston Assault Lawyer Korey Huff today and see if your eligible for a non-arrest bond. Our Houston Domestic Violence Attorney Hotline available 24/7 – 365 days a week! Call Now at 713-562-8700 and receive a FREE Case Review. Also, Reasonable Family Assault Lawyer Payment Plans are Available.

What If I Have A Warrant For My Arrest & No Bond?
If you have a domestic violence warrant for your arrest, Houston Domestic Violence Attorney Korey Huff can work toward getting you a bond and a court date without going to jail 1st. It’s called a non-arrest bond.
It is not uncommon for individuals charged with Assault on Family Member in Houston to have left the scene before the police get there. Leaving the scene does not automatically imply criminal guilt. It may simply be unsafe for the individual to remain onsite until the police arrive. Unfortunately, when you do leave the scene, only your accuser’s incomplete emotionally charged story gets told to an adrenaline filled police officer. While not speaking to police officers won’t hurt your criminal defense, a warrant for your arrest may be issued without your knowledge.
If the Houston family assault prosecutor decides to accept the charges for Assault on Family Member against you, Harris County will usually not give you a bond until it serves you with an Emergency Protective Order first. Moreover, Houston Assault prosecutors will usually demand your physical presence before you receive a Harris County bond. This may become problematic if you have a warrant for your arrest and step inside of a court house filled with officers ready to arrest you onsite. Nevertheless, skilled Houston Assault Lawyer Korey Huff can explain the process of working toward obtaining an Assault on Family Member Non-Arrest Bond in Harris county.
Don’t just Go To Jail! Call Houston Assault Lawyer Korey Huff today and see if your eligible for a nonarrest bond. Our Houston Domestic Violence Attorney Hotline is available 24/7 – 365 days a week! Call 713-562-8700 and receive a FREE Case Review! Reasonable Payment Plans Available upon Request.

In addition to Domestic Violence charges, we also handle the following assault charges:
- Misdemeanor assault (non-family member)
- Aggravated Assault (non-family member)
- Aggravated Assault w/ a deadly weapon
- Aggravated Robbery
Domestic violence charges are the most common assault charges and can happen to anybody after one bad night. When it comes to assault cases, an experienced and effective criminal defense attorney can mean the difference between a prison sentence and reduced or dismissed charges. At The Huff Law Firm, our criminal defense attorney Korey Huff will fight hard to accomplish the greatest possible outcome in each assault case. Don’t Give Up! Consult an experienced Houston assault attorney today for a free consultation at (713) 562-8700.

WHAT IS MISDEMEANOR ASSAULT? (non-family member)
What is the Statutory Definition of Assault?
A person commits an Assault in Texas if the person: 1.) intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causes bodily injury to another, including the person’s spouse; 2.) intentionally or knowingly threatens another with imminent bodily injury, including the person’s spouse; or 3.) intentionally or knowingly causes physical contact with another when the person knows or should reasonably believe that the other will regard the contact as offensive or provocative. See, Assault in The Texas Penal Code § 22.01, et seq. If you’ve been charged with assault, Call Houston Assault Lawyer Korey Huff today and see if your assault charge can be defended & dismissed. Our Houston Domestic Violence Attorney Hotline is available 24/7 – 365 days a week! Call 713-562-8700 and receive a FREE Case Review! Reasonable Payment Plans Available upon Request.
What are the Classifications Assault?
Class C misdemeanor Assault is classified as a person who threatens another with bodily harm/assault or causes physical contact in a provocative or offensive way, and no other aggravating factors are present.
Class B misdemeanor Assault is classified as a person who commits assault against someone who is a sports participant during a performance or in retaliation for a performance.
Class A misdemeanor Assault is classified as a person who causes bodily injury to another, and no other aggravating factors are present; or if a person causes physical contact in a provocative or offensive way against an elderly individual.
3rd Degree Felony Assault is classified as an Assault act committed against:
- A person the actor knows is a public servant while the public servant is lawfully discharging an official duty, or in retaliation or on account of an exercise of official power or performance of an official duty as a public servant;
- A family member, member of the household, or dating relationship if defendant has been previously convicted of a similar offense, or if the offense was committed by intentionally or recklessly choking the victim;
- A person who contracts with the government for certain family services (such as Child Protective Services) acting in their official duties, or who is retaliated against for said duties;
- A person the actor knows is a security officer performing within the scope of their duties; or
- Offense is committed against a family member, member of the household, or dating relationship;
- Defendant has been previously convicted of a similar offense against an individual described above; and
- Offense is committed by intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly impeding the normal breathing or circulation of the blood of the person by applying pressure to the person’s throat or neck or by blocking the person’s nose or mouth (choking).
- (or for aggravated assault, see below)
1st Degree Felony if aggravated assault is committed against someone with whom you have a domestic relationship; or a public official, police officer, emergency worker, security guard, witness, or informant.
2nd degree felony Assault is classified as an act against a person the actor knows is emergency services personnel while the person is providing emergency services.
Houston Aggravated Assault Attorney
What is Aggravated Assault?
An assault is considered “aggravated assault” if it results in serious injury, or a weapon is used in the commission of the assault. Aggravated Assault with serious bodily injury is a second degree felony. It is punishable by up to 20 years in prison and a $10,000.00 fine. “Serious bodily injury” is defined as an injury that creates a substantial risk of death, serious permanent disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ.
What are the Penalties and Sentences for Assault?
- Assault Class C misdemeanor carries a Fine of up to $500.
- Assault Class B misdemeanor sentence up 180 days in jail and a fine of up to $2,000.
- Assault Class A misdemeanor carries a Sentence up to 1 year in jail and a fine of up to $4,000.
- Assault Third degree felony carries a sentence between 2 to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000
- Assault Second degree felony carries a sentence between 2 to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.
- Assault First degree felony carries a sentence between 5 years to life in prison plus a fine.
Don’t just Go To Jail! Call Houston Assault Lawyer Korey Huff today and see if your aggravated assault charge or aggravated assault with a deadly weapon charge can be defended & dismissed. Our Houston Domestic Violence Attorney Hotline is available 24/7 – 365 days a week! Call 713-562-8700 and receive a FREE Case Review! Reasonable Payment Plans Available upon Request.

How to Defend an Assault Charge
- Self Defense is probably the most common defense to an assault charge or aggravated assault charge. Section 9.31(a)(1)(A) defines self defense for assault as “a person is justified in using force against another when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the force is immediately necessary to protect the actor against the other’s use or attempted use of unlawful force.
- Under the law of self-defense, you have the right to strike the first blow, but it must be immediately necessary. Words alone will not justify the use of force in self-defense. However, you have the right to defend yourself from an “apparent danger” (not a real danger) if you reasonably believed it is a real danger at the time. Many assault trials have been won under this self-defense theory.
- Defense of Others – This defense may be available in a situation where you used reasonable force to defend another person from the attack of a third party. Defense of others from assault may also be used where you reasonably believe another person is going to be seriously assaulted from a third party.
- Defense of Property – In an assault case, you can argue that you only acted in defense of your property. You may claim that your property was being illegally invaded or denied. This allows you to use reasonable force in defense of your property without it being assault. If your home is involved, Defense of Property is also available to disprove an assault allegation. You may be able to claim this defense if you used reasonable force against a person to prevent them from entering your home, vehicle or residence, or to prevent them from damaging your property.
- Mutual Combat – Sometimes its not Assault, Its just a FIGHT! Consent may be a defense to an assault/battery charge. If your accuser consented voluntarily to a particular act, then that same act generally cannot be asserted to constitute an assault and battery. But if the extent of the act surpasses the mutual consent provided, it can still provide grounds for assault and battery charges.
- Justification – A justification defense may apply in criminal situations where you committed an act that would normally be a criminal offense, but did so in order to prevent public or private injury in an emergency situation.
- Lack of Mental State – You may not have had the required mental state, or did not act knowingly, recklessly or intentionally, when allegedly committing the assault or aggravated assault crime.
- Consent is a defense most often seen in prosecutions for sexual assault. If your accuser willingly engaged in sexual intercourse but later says they were sexually assaulted, you may have a Consent Defense to Sexual Assault.
Don’t just Give Up! Call Houston assault attorney Korey Huff today and learn how your assault charge or aggravated assault with a deadly weapon charge can be defended & dismissed. Our Houston Domestic Violence Attorney Hotline is available 24/7 – 365 days a week! Call 713-562-8700 and receive a FREE Case Review! Reasonable Payment Plans Available upon Request.
Frequently Asked Questions About An Assault Case:
Will the District Attorney drop the charges simply because the victim asks them to?
It’s not that easy. Once the charges have been filed, the district attorney will likely continue to prosecute you if they can prove their case without the victim’s participation. So, the district attorney will want to review 911 recordings, officer body cams, scene photos, medical records, etc.. to obtain facts about the alleged assault to determine whether those facts are sufficient to prove that an assault occurred before they dismiss your case.
How do you remove an assault charge from your record?
You are eligible to have your case completely expunged off your record only if the case was dismissed or a jury found you not guilty. In many circumstances, you may petition the court for a non-disclosure, or “sealing”, of the assault charge if you completed a deferred adjudication probation (DADJ). However, Assault-family member charges are not eligible for a non-disclosure, even after a deferred adjudication. Hire an experienced assault attorney to give yourself the best chance of having any assault charge removed from your record.
How do witnesses help prove my innocence in an assault case?
Many times in an assault case, the police fail to interview all the witnesses that saw what happened. It is important to know who are your favorable and unfavorable witnesses and what things affect their credibility? The district attorney will usually give more weight to the statements of a witness that doesn’t know you over one who does (a friend). These witnesses can clarify the original police report and aid in getting your case dismissed or a Not Guilty verdict at trial. Have your lawyer, preferably a knowledgeable Houston assault lawyer, interview these witnesses and obtain their statements.
How to Get Assault Case Dismissed
Example 1: Assault Family Member Case:
You were both drinking at the club. You got into a heated argument over a suspect phone call from another woman, and she shoved you. It didn’t hurt. You shoved her back. It didn’t physically hurt her. Nevertheless, she still calls the police because she’s drunk and mad. The police arrived, and took her report. She exaggerated about the “shoving,” and even lied. The police ignored your side of the story and arrested you for Assault Family Violence. You need a Houston Assault Attorney.
I am a Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer, and I have heard this sequence of events from clients numerous times. Here is a guide for what to do if this happens to you.
Step 1–Preserve the evidence proving you did not commit Assault Family Violence
Provide your own Record – If the police ignored your side of the story and didn’t write in their report what really happened, be proactive and make a record of it yourself.
Witness Statements – This is obvious, get statements from people that witnessed what happened. Audio/video recordings & sworn written statements are examples of witness statements.
Was the alleged victim drinking? – Intoxicated people tend to be less credible. Intoxication is a sign to the jury that the victim was not telling the truth or thinking clearly.
Pictures – Pictures that occurred before and after the alleged event can be extremely useful. Pictures can show that an injury did not occur, the alleged victim was the aggressor, or you were the one who was injured.
Text Messages – Text messages are one of the most useful pieces of evidence that I have seen as a criminal defense attorney. Text messages provide a permanent record of a person’s thoughts and feelings during a particular time and thus are powerful evidence to juries.
Social Media – Social media is another powerful piece of evidence. Often after an incident the alleged victim will make posts on social media talking about the incident. I have had cases dismissed after I showed a prosecutor these posts.
Step 2–Hire a Houston Assault Attorney
Having a HOME BASED lawyer will help you in the following ways:
- The lawyer will know the particular preferences of the Judge and how the Judge runs jury trials and pretrials;
- He will understand the reputation of the prosecutors he is negotiating with and will be able to avoid unreasonable assistant District Attorneys;
- Attorney’s charge less money when their office is closer to the court house.
By the way, Beware of going with an appointed lawyer, especially if the case is a misdemeanor. Misdemeanor court appointed lawyers are paid horribly low amounts of money in Harris County. The appointed lawyer may not be able to afford to do as good a job for you as would be necessary in the event of trial. Arguably, until Harris County fixes the fees they pay appointed lawyers, you may really want to hire someone.
Step 3– Pay to Bond Out, and Maintain All Conditions of Your Bond
If possible, pay your bond and await your case settings outside of the jail, so that you and your lawyer can have the proper time to prepare the case. When you bond out, you will have to maintain several conditions in order to keep your bond. These are indicated to you orally and often in writing. Do not fail to call your bondsmen or to pay your bond. You will have a warrant for your arrest if your bondsmen revokes your bond. Historically, once a client gets a warrant for his arrest during a pending case, he/she is much less likely to get his/her case dismissed. So again, stringently follow the conditions of your bond if your end goal is to get your domestic violence charge dismissed.
Do You Need a Houston Assault Lawyer in Houston or surrounding counties? Call me (713) 562-8700.
Step 4–Dress in Business Formal Attire
This may come as a surprising step in how to get your assault case dropped; You need to dress in a suit, with a tie for every single court setting. Ladies, you need to dress in a conservative suit as well. Cover tattoos with clothing or tattoo cover cream. Remove facial piercings. I have gotten more dismissals for clients who dress well than for those who don’t. The prosecutors sometimes look directly at my clients, when I am negotiating the case during pretrial conferences. The prosecutors are people. They want to win their trials, just like defense attorneys do. They know that defendants who dress like executives are less likely to be perceived by a jury as criminals.
Step 5–How to Get Assault Family Charge Dismissed: Have a Long In Person Meeting With Your Attorney
This may seem obvious, but you need to sit down and extensively talk to your attorney about this case. This is the conversation that needs to happen after you’ve hired your lawyer, and after you’ve gone to at least one court setting. You must wait until this point, so that your attorney can look at the police report and evidence that is going to be presented against you if you bring the case to trial. During this conversation, your lawyer will come up with the strategy that best suits your particular factual scenario. Questions that should be considered during this meeting are:
- What motivations did the alleged victim have for lying about the case (such as looming divorce);
- Who are the favorable and unfavorable witnesses? What things affect their credibility?
- Determine which unexplored evidence is there to discuss?
Your lawyer will go through the actual event, where you were accused of assault second by second just as meticulously as a jury would. This assessment is the meat and potatoes of your criminal defense. Your lawyer will use these details to help you get the case dismissed.
Step 6–If the Alleged Victim is Willing to, Have Him/Her Sign an Affidavit of Non-Prosecution
Many defendants who lie to the police, later feel remorse and wish that they could simply call the police and have the charges dropped. Unfortunately, once the report is made, there is no way to stop the case from rolling through the Harris County prosecutor’s system. It is possible that the intake department will decide not to pursue the case, but that is left to the discretion of the City, and is not in the hands of the reporting victim. This is the biggest misunderstanding I see in assault family violence cases–that the victim can get the case dropped whenever she desires it to be. However, a skilled defense attorney can work to ensure the state follows the law in these circumstances which may ultimately result in the case being dismissed if the facts support it.
Step 7–Have Your Lawyer Request a Dismissal on the Assault Charge
You will have a court setting about every 30 days in Harris County when you are facing an assault family violence charge. Once the above 6 steps have taken place, your lawyer is ready to make his/her request for the prosecutor to dismiss the charge. The lawyer with have all of the helpful evidence you have provided, and a vast amount of knowledge on the case itself including important weaknesses and strengths. The lawyer should approach the prosecutor and tell the prosecutor a good reason why the case should be dismissed. It is important that the lawyer is very polite to the prosecutor, and has some form of documentation to support the reason why the State should drop the charge. In some cases the prosecutor may offer certain deals that result in dismissals like Anger Management Class and Dismiss, Battery intervention & Prevention Class and Dismiss, Pretrial Intervention and Dismiss, etc.. Your attorney will explain and relay all offers to you for your ultimate consideration.
Step 8–Have Your Lawyer File Relevant Motions & Subpoenas On Your Behalf
It is important for your lawyer to timely file motions and subpoenas. These documents will aid your lawyer in preserving your rights in multiple ways. For instance, the lawyer can make a Motion for Discovery of Exculpatory Evidence, which would require the prosecutor to turn over and favorable evidence it has for you on your case. The lawyer should also file subpoenas so that all of the witnesses that are necessary will be timely notified of the trial setting. When prosecutors see that subpoenas and motions are filed, they also see that you are (at least somewhat) prepared for trial.
Step 9–Set the Case For Trial and Prepare for Trial
If the above 8 steps have not worked to get a dismissal, it may be in your best interest to have your lawyer prepare for a jury trial. The preparation for jury trial is an entire topic in its own right. Your lawyer will prepare you for direct examination if you are going to testify. The best thing you can do to get your case dismissed at this point, is to heed your lawyer’s advice as well as possible. The lawyer will do the rest of the work.
Step 10– Appear for the First Trial and Present One Good (New) Reason Why the State Should Dismiss the Assault Charge
Finally, you are at your trial setting. Everyone is ready to go to trial. At this point, your defense attorney should politely remind the State of the reason it presented during pretrial for why the State should dismiss the charge. The lawyer should consider presenting one additional reason to State before the trial begins in the morning. The reason for the timing is this; The State is in the midst of deciding on which of 40-50 trial cases it desires to have a trial for that morning. If the State can tell that you are ready, and you have presented two strong reasons to dismiss your case, the State may simply choose to dismiss the case. You may have to announce ready for trial before the State will dismiss the charge.
If the State still refuses to dismiss the assault family violence charge, the case must be brought to trial, and leave the verdict in the hands of the jury. I represent defendants who have been wrongfully charged with Assault Family Violence. To see some of my results click on my results page at the top. My Office number is (713) 562-8700. Please print and send this guide to anyone who needs it.
Read About Some of Our Assault Family Violence Case Victories in the Results Page.
If you or someone you know is facing a misdemeanor assault charge, felony assault charge, assault-family member charge, aggravated assault with serious bodily injury, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon or any other misdemeanor or felony assault charge, call experienced Houston assault attorney Korey A. Huff for a free evaluation. Call 713-562-8700. An experienced Houston criminal defense lawyer is available 24/7 to answer your questions.
Types of Assault Cases We Handle
The Huff Laws Firm’s Other Services
Cases We Handle
What Client’s Say
Mr. Korey Huff is an outstanding and trustworthy attorney. He was very passionate and professional, always kept me informed about All communications he had with outside attorneys, and only accepted an agreement that he thought was reasonable and fair. If you want a strong and dedicated attorney to represent you, then I recommend Korey Huff. Thanks Korey for all your hard work and fighting for your client! Houston Texas
Very good attorney. Was there for 2 of my cases(same offense) and both worked out in my favor. Reasonable price, very professional, all around good to work with.
Korey Huff is such a great attorney. He managed to get my case settled with the best outcome I could have ever imagined! He is also very reasonable and tells you exactly what you can expect through this process. I highly recommend Mr. Huff and if the need arise (which I hope not!), I wouldn’t hesitate to hire him again.
If it wasn’t for Korey Huff I would be in jail!! He helped me win my case!! He is a Very Outspoken Amazing Attorney! Great Attitude and Very Polite! His services are worth every penny! I Most Definitely recommend him to represent you!
I was arrested for POM. I decided to start calling around and found Korey. Korey was willing to help me out with my payments for him and talked me through me case at every court session. He has a very caring aspect to him and he is good at what he does. He got my case dismissed. I would most definitely hire Korey again.
Got a dwi my bac came back 3 times the legal limit . Came out with 1 year probation, no community service ! . Very satisfied with his work and his price !!